
Twt Wanderlust

7 41%

Twt Upcoming matches

Twt Recent matches

TM (1.87) show (1.87) Twt 2023-11-12 04:33:00 OEA
codex show Twt 2023-11-10 03:34:00 OEA
Twt show FHZ 2023-11-09 05:39:00 OEA
Twt show AE 2023-11-07 07:24:00 OEA
TM show Twt 2023-11-07 05:36:00 OEA
Snt show Twt 2023-11-07 03:29:00 OEA
Twt show TF 2023-10-02 04:12:00 Forsaken League
Twt show TF 2023-09-30 04:13:00 Forsaken League
HG show Twt 2023-09-25 06:00:00 Forsaken League
Twt show Hs 2023-09-25 04:03:00 Forsaken League
TD show Twt 2023-09-24 04:20:00 Forsaken League
Twt show Bb 2023-09-23 04:13:00 Forsaken League
Twt show Snt 2023-09-22 05:59:00 Forsaken League
MIPH show Twt 2023-09-16 04:19:00 Forsaken League
Twt show Hs 2023-09-15 04:15:00 Forsaken League
Twt show ME 2023-09-14 04:00:00 Forsaken League
TF show Twt 2023-09-13 06:03:00 Forsaken League

Twt Achievements

Date Tournament Place Prize
October 2, 2023 00:00 Forsaken League 1 place 10,000
* Form shows how good the players current performance (last 15 games), in comparison with they average performance (last 50 games)

Twt Roster

Carry.Kry stand-in

  • November 12, 2023 04:33 for Twt vs TM

Mid.Iristina stand-in

  • November 12, 2023 04:33 for Twt vs TM

Offlane.Sabi stand-in

  • November 12, 2023 04:33 for Twt vs TM

Support.出省 stand-in

  • November 12, 2023 04:33 for Twt vs TM

Support.dwight stand-in

  • November 12, 2023 04:33 for Twt vs TM

Other players


  • November 10, 2023 03:34 for Twt vs codex


  • October 2, 2023 04:12 for Twt vs TF


  • September 30, 2023 04:13 for Twt vs TF


  • September 30, 2023 04:13 for Twt vs TF

How much Twt earned

2023 year 10,000
Эксклюзив «Если начну проседать, то не буду позориться и перестану выступать». Larl о карьере и решафле в Team Spirit Беседа с чемпионом мира. Читать